• Calder Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1SA

Subject Leader: Rohanna Keys

'Music touches the very heart of our humanity and a sense of the wonder of music has touched human societies throughout history. Music education offers young people the chance to understand, perform and create in an aural dimension that often sits outside our capacity to describe in words. For many pupils, the music they love will be part of the narrative of their lives and bring colour to the experiences that shape them.'

Ofsted Research Review Series: Music (July 2021)

These principles underline our music provision at Sydenham Primary School.  We make music an enjoyable and fulfilling learning experience.  We encourage all children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which they can build their love of music, self confidence and sense of achievement as well as learning to express themselves creatively.

We believe that music is a powerful tool of communication and can impact the way that children feel, learn and experience the world around them.  It offers opportunities to explore music from other cultures and times as well as creating and performing original pieces. We ensure that children are exposed to high quality musical provision from an early age and help them to develop their technical, constructive and expressive skills in music.

In early years, music is embedded into the curriculum, and pupils also receive discrete weekly music lessons, delivered by a specialist music teacher. Children listen to music from a wide range of cultures and explore it through movement, voice and instrumental exploration. They learn songs and nursery rhymes, clap beats and rhythms, explore sound making and how sounds vary as well as they sounds they hear around them and start to play tuned and untuned instruments. Early years teachers are supported by the school’s subscription to Charanga and Kapow Music which provide high quality specialist lessons and resources.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, music lessons are delivered by specialist teachers with a wealth of experience. In key stage one, children are given lots of opportunities to sing and use their voices expressively and perform as an ensemble. They develop their understanding by listening to music from a wide range of genres and in different contexts.  To support their communication of musical ideas, they learn key concept such as pitch and rhythm. They also explore playing both tuned and untuned instruments.

In Key Stage 2, children have opportunities to play and perform in smaller groups, ensembles and individually. They learn about music in a historical as well as cultural context and make their own music through improvisation and composition. They continue to hear and watch high quality musical performances both recorded and live. To support their instrumental and vocal proficiency, children learn to read music through staff and other musical notation.

Beyond weekly music lessons, children are provided with many other musical opportunities in school.  Our trained vocal teacher leads weekly singing assemblies, and our partnership with Warwickshire Music hub provide additional development, for example, working with a choral animateur, music technology lessons, music clubs and instrumental tuition (including, cello, ukulele, keyboards, ocarinas and recorders). Children have regular opportunities to showcase their musical talents in concerts and performances, including 'Voice in a Million' and 'Young Voices'. 

We assess the impact of our music provision in a number of ways: 

  • Through listening to our Pupil Voice we know that children at Sydenham Primary School enjoy music and look forward to musical lessons, singing assemblies and music clubs.
  • A specialist music subject leader liaises regularly with music teachers and staff to ensure music is taught consistently and shows progression through the school. 
  • Pupils' work and attainment is monitored and assessment to ensure children are making good progress and support is purposeful and meaningful.


In recognition of our commitment to providing a high quality music education as part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we have been awarded the Music Mark.

Music Progression in Knowledge and Skills

Music Timetable 2024-2025

Music Timetable 2023-2024

Music Development Plan 2024-2025