UN convention on the Rights of the Child.
At Sydenham Primary School, we recognise achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of our practice to improve well-being and help all children realize their potential. Our school ethos reflects the principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. Children’s rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted in our school.
We aim to create a happy school where the learning atmosphere is calm, happy and relaxed, and conducive to high achievement. Wherever possible, we provide rich, first-hand experiences for children to learn both inside and outside of the classroom, within our school grounds, the local community and further afield, to enable children to connect with the world around them. We believe that every child should learn the skills for life long learning and be supported to develop as good citizens who contribute fully to their community.
For the children to reach their full potential we need to work in partnership with you as parents, carers and colleagues. Helping children to do their best is vital. We will work in partnership so that all of us understand what children are learning and are able to achieve.
Our school operates in partnership with Lighthorne Heath Primary School. Staff, governors and children work together to harness each other’s strengths and expertise so that children are offered the best possible education.
We welcome you to our lovely school so you can see for yourself how we learn together.
Please contact the school office to make a time to visit. We will be delighted to share our school with you.
Please note that paper copies of any of the information on our school website are available free of charge on request.
Best wishes
Carol Glenny Juliette Westwood
Associate Head Teacher Executive Head Teacher